
Welcome to spelling! The fourth quarter of Kindergarten has begun! For the remainder of the school year, your child will have a weekly spelling test. The spelling words are selected from a word family, which allows your child to not only listen for letter sounds, but apply the rule. Challenge words are simply sight words. Your child will also be expected to write a sentence using the challenge word.
A pretest will be given on Monday. As a part of the weekly homework, please have your child trace and write the spelling words as well as complete the challenge word work.  The spelling test will be every Thursday. The Kindergartners are doing great, and are certainly up to this challenge! Please refer to your child's pretest as to which group he/she is in.
Week 2: 
"ip" family          "st" family           "ine" family           sip                       Stan                    ine
  hip                      stag                    nine
  tip                       stab                    vine 
  rip                       step                    pine
  lip                       stir                       fine

*Challenge Words:             where             there